Apr 23, 2024

We have known for some time that higher amounts of nearsightedness (also known as “myopia”) are associated with a higher risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment. It’s thought that elongation of the eyes is the main factor leading to the stronger link to eye disease. The longer the eye, the greater the risk.

Myopic Macular Degeneration (MMD) differs from Age-related Macular Degeneration but affects a similar part of the eye – the central portion responsible for fine detail. People affected with MMD may have symptoms ranging from blurry or distorted vision to significant permanent vision loss or even legal blindness. It often occurs in younger individuals than those affected by Age-related Macular Degeneration. 

A new study shows a very strong correlation between high myopia and Myopic Macular Degeneration in older adults. A study involving over 1,500 older adults with high myopia showed that for every millimeter of increase in the length of their eyes, the risk of having MMD was nine times higher. In the study, the prevalence of MMD was over 75%! We also know that the risk of cataracts and retinal detachment rises similarly with increasing myopia and can be between 3 and 20 times higher depending on the amount of myopia.

While it may be disheartening to hear that such a small change in the eye’s structure can have such a huge impact on quality of life, we have new treatments available that can dramatically decrease the risk. The best opportunity to manage myopia is during childhood when the growth of the eye is most rapid. Special treatments involving glasses, contact lenses, and medicated eye drops have shown to be very effective at limiting the eye’s growth. Reduced time spent on digital devices, and increasing time spent outdoors are additional strategies to implement. At MVO we are researching additional diagnostic technologies that will enable us to manage myopia most effectively.

Talk to your MVO Doctor of Optometry about myopia treatment and learn about the risks and opportunities for your children. Myopia has been labeled as the most significant eye health threat of the 21st century. Let’s work together to reduce its impact. 

Reference: Prevalence of myopic macular degeneration exceeds 75% among highly myopic older adults (healio.com)

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